Heaven Ascending, originally uploaded by _Loaf_.
The Hexagram also means Peace / T'ai
Look Beyond, originally uploaded by _Loaf_.
Endless buildings fade into the pollution in all directions. . . Painting beside that chimney was pretty stupid, poisonous gas comes out...
As an aside, asking people to think outside the box can be dangerous, use caution when hot.A forrest of buildings in Nanjing, two wolf heads, mountain-top removal, and a dreamcatcher on a stick.
Clothes washing, originally uploaded by _Loaf_.
As I jumped off the ladder, I landed but the paint can was empty, I looked up, and down it came. Did that twice, twice covered in black paint. Enjoy!
Foto opportunities!, originally uploaded by _Loaf_.
Running around taking photos with friends
Rooftops, Nanjing, originally uploaded by _Loaf_.
That's quite large actually... thinking back I wonder both why and how I might have painted so high.