I currently feel the predominant religion of our planet to be nationalism. In its current form it is generally sad at best. I believe a true nationalism would transcend boundary lines to include the entire earth. Thus, a new and more beautiful nationalism would seek some pure manner of expression grounded in the vernacular of a time and place while ever-so-slightly seeking to evolve current discourse. Maybe that's what I was trying to do this fall (2014).
Symbols are the most effective means of communicating across temporal and cultural boundaries. Unfortunately, most of my symbolism will go consciously unrecognized. Fortunately, the subconscious mind has forever spoken a similar symbolic language.
The following works are part of a transition in which I move my work away from figurative representation toward minimalism.
Newer works toward top. Enjoy.
(33"x22"2.75") Canvas
(45"x22"x3.5") Canvas
(24"x34"x2.75") Canvas